
Showing posts from July, 2022

Dial H

Comics are a funny industry. While graphic novels denote the medium as a whole, that description is often saved for those stories which have a conclusive ending. Image publishes graphic novels because they mainly publish creator owned works with a definitive ending. Marvel and DC meanwhile, keep their stories going, and are thus given the title of comic books. The capeshit just goes on and on, and have led to a consumer base that is trained to experience works in "runs", following a single character across multiple writers, selecting which writers run they will view. Of course, this episodic style of storytelling by the big two means that writers will often step on the toes of others. Not only that, the interconnected nature of their universes mean that oftentimes writers must work in tandem with the writers of other books, while not contradicting the past or the present. In other words, comics are a mess. Multiple soap operas merging and diverging from one another, taking th