
Showing posts from November, 2023

Armored Core VI: Freeing the Dog

The dog. This is who you are on Rubicon-3, or at least who the pilot you play in Armored Core VI is introduced as. You go by many names. Never is your character given a history, emotion, or a voice, but by god do they have names.  C4-621, Raven, G13, Tourist, The Wallclimber, Buddy. What does this array of names mean? After all, just because you're a silent protagonist doesn't mean you're not a character. Link goes by Link, Gordon Freeman is Gordon Freeman. 621 however, is less than a person. Less than a dog. Raven is a weapon, pointed at whatever the holder wants to crush.  G13 gains the respect of the Vespers and various groups struggling for power on Rubicon purely through the might of their own destructive capacity. Tourist is perhaps the most fitting of these names. The only concrete history we have on Raven is that they're an outsider to Rubicon, a pilot with unstable fourth generation augmentations that leave them essentially unable to exist as a human being, and